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Sunday, May 27, 2007

BiztalkersEgypt Site Launched

in the past couple of month i was thinking about creating a Biztalk Server community in Egypt, I'm already a board member in a technical club called Cutting-Edge where we organize technical sessions and seminars for software developers.

i have started a Special interest group inside the club focused on BizTalk technologies and called it "Biztalkers", i have also delivered 2 sessions in the past month to introduce Biztalk to the club members...

i believe the next step is to have an online community for biztalk developers/architects in Egypt and the Middleast where we could all learn from each other and provide video tutorials on how to start biztalking :) , that's where the idea of BiztalkersEgypt Came from ...

The site is now up and running and users are starting to register in it. i have also put a forum on the site where users could submit their questions and concerns..

i believe this is a very important step in promoting the awareness for this product in Egypt and the MiddleEast in a very simplified yet efficient manner.